My 6 1/2 years as a County Commissioner
Pro-Gun...however, against Wichita
Gun Club proposal to build and operate a shooting range in Butler county.
"This proposal is in the wrong location. We have too many homes in the area that will be affected. It is also Augusta's growth area which will have an adverse affect in the future of our
community. I will be voting NO for this proposal". The commission will be voting on this proposal Tuesday, September 30, 2014. Come and let your voice be heard. Meeting
begins at 9A.M.
Commissioners vote 3-2 to keep REAP March 6, 2013
Palmer begins elected term on Commission
County Commission formally sets staff roles
Commissioners, clerk disagree on how to run clerk’s office
Butler Commissioners struggle with redistricting
Agenda 21 will not go away until Obama and
his gang are gone! Each one of you need to read the below link and watch Dick Morris's video. You need to know what Agenda 21 is about and how it will ruin our free country as we know
it. Agenda 21 includes "community planning" which they are disguising in the "Reap" effort to pass it on to communities like ours.
Agenda 21
Dick Morris and Agenda
Take a look at the Obamacare Plan above link.
Governor Announces Appointments
by Governor Sam Brownback on Friday, August 31, 2012 at 9:34am
Emergency Link and County EMS September 4 Meeting
County recognizes early Rose Hill first responders Sept. 18, 2012 Meeting
Budget Hearing August 14th at 9 A.M.
If you're tired of increased taxes YOU need to attend this hearing! Read below and see why. Instead of finding ways of
decreasing, it is always SPEND ALL and MORE! Each County Department presented a budget with reductions of 10% and it was ignored by the Commission! Cities and counties are going broke all
across our country and what do we do? SPEND MORE! Check out what happened in Sedgwick County. They had to lay off 135 employees due to a budget deficit.
"This year Butler County taxpayers generated approximately $750,000.00 in new revenues through this hidden tax of increased valuation on property.
County commissioners can either lower the mill levy by that amount to avoid a property tax increase or keep the money for increased spending. This budget represents approximately $450,000. in new
spending which means, property taxes will be increasing." (Peggy Palmer)
Read why I voted against this budget. It was a 4-1 vote to approve it. explanation of no
County Commission gives OK to 2013 budget
El Dorado Times, August 2,
County looks at raising landfill fees
Commissioner Peggy Palmer expressed concern about raising fees and asked Lutz to look into bringing in more trash from outside the county.
Peggy Palmer files for Commission Seat
County Commission working to reduce 2013 budget
“I would like to see us give back half a mill,” said Commissioner Jeff Masterson. “I think the departments are well-funded. I think we can give a little back.”
“I do too,” added Commissioner Peggy Palmer. “I think we need to lower property taxes this year, not just keep them the same.”
Palmer also expressed her desire to reduce the budget by one mill.
Budget talks and reduced spending continue by some commissioners
“We need to justify new spending,” added Palmer. “I think it’s time we lower the tax burden. This is an opportunity to do that.”
Adopted Budget for 2013 Butler County, Kansas
Check out salaries of BC employees
With a 2010 census population of 65,880, an increase of 10.8% since 2000, government county salaries cost every person in Butler County about $236.
For the 36,799 residents ages 21 to 64 that’s $422 per resident
Information and Constituent's Input
My website is for information purposes, keeping you the constituent of Butler County District 2 informed about your county, county government agendas, decisions and minutes of all meetings. It is also for you to express your opinions and concerns of our county. Notice Constituent's Input tab in left menu column. I want to share my experiences for the next several years with you.
Make Plans to attend a Commission Meeting!
By Jessica Seibel
El Dorado Times
Posted Aug 03, 2010 @ 06:00 PM
El Dorado, Kan. — Trash was once again a topic of discussion for the Butler County Commissioners. During their Monday meeting, the commissioners held a work session to discuss the possibility
accepting trash from Bel Aire at the Butler County Landfill. The commissioners talked about the possibility of accepting grass clippings and other green waste at the landfill, as well as the
possibility of designating a specific route for the haulers coming from Bel Aire.
Commissioner Peggy Palmer voiced concerns about the trash trucks adding to the wear and tear on Ohio Street.
According to Public Works Director Darryl Lutz, there would be about 45 tons of trash coming from Bel Aire, which would amount to six truck loads each week.
Commissioners Bruce Harris and Jeff Masterson pointed out that six trucks each week would probably not make much of a difference considering how many trucks already utilize Ohio Street every
“I would have to agree with the general thought that six trucks would not be a problem,” said Lutz.
Currently, about 15 to 20 trash trucks unload at the landfill each day. Additionally, the commissioners discussed whether or not to accept green waste at the landfill.
Green waste would increase methane gas production, which could be beneficial if the county approves a methane-to-usable-energy project.
Commissioners Harris, Masterson and Dan Woydziak expressed that they were in favor of allowing green waste at the landfill. The commissioners will send the proposed agreement with Bel Aire to the
Solid Waste Committee for review before taking any action. Currently, Butler County accepts trash from Marion County, which brings an average of 20 to 25 tons per day to the landfill. This trash
amounts to about $240,000 in gross revenue for Butler County.
County Commissioners Code of Ethics (to be proposed)
Clean-up Policy and Events 2011
Commissioners Amend Augusta's NRP
Kelly Herzet was appointed sheriff of Butler County Monday night, April 11, by the Butler County Prescient Committee at the Bradford Library in El
Dorado. He out polled candidate Robert Sage 33 to 18. Sheriff Herzet has been the under-sheriff for Craig Murphy for the past 18 months. Mr. Sage is the chief of police in Rose
Butler county landfill is now accepting hazardous waste 6 days a week, rather than one Saturday a month. They also accept electronics daily that are no longer wanted. It's a great landfill and Butler County is fortunate to have such a facility.
County to help Augusta's Senior Citizen Organization
REAP Grant approved by Commission
Monday and Tuesday Metings
Commissioners meet every Monday and Tuesday mornings at 9 A.M.. Depending on business at hand, there are some days that
August 3, 2010 - On a 4-1 vote, Butler County Commissioners' approved the publication of the 2011 county budget
of $38 million. The county’s mill levy will be 35.999 in 2011, which is a reduction from the 2010’s 36.522 mill levy.
The commissioners voted 4-1 to approve publication of the operating budget.
Commissioners Bruce Harris, Jeff Masterson, Mike Wheeler and Dan Woydziak voted to approve publication of the budget and Commissioner Peggy Palmer was opposed.
This budget has a 5.6 percent increase in expenditures over the 2010 budget, with the majority of the increase coming from sales
tax revenue for upgrades to the emergency communications system, fuel tax revenue from the state of Kansas for road and bridge maintenance and employee benefits.
Check out complete profile of Butler County.
Just about every detail you can think of about your county. The one noticeable stat that jumps out is our unemployment rate of 7.8% compared to the state
rate of 6.3%.
Go to Profile
El Dorado Times on Commissioners' Meeting
concerning Augusta Senior Center. Nov. 17
A real good start to local government transparency. Kansas Open Gov.
Did you know? Total property taxes in Butler County have increased 172.5% since 1997. State wide average is 93%.
Check it out
During these years of property tax increases, Butler County's population has increased
6.4%. Our mil level has increased 18.4% compared to 15.4% state wide. Population increase state wide has increased 8.3%.
Consider this web site as Butler County Open Gov. I will keep you informed.
Sanitation codes were our main topic of conversation at our November 29th meeting.
What it amounts to is this: More regulations and more fees. Read story
Also, read this story link about the same kind of regulations established in Oregon. This is
a good example of what happens to the local constituency when no one is paying attention!
Oregon story
Augusta Doesn't Make the Grade for wind
farm grant money?
“I just want to make an official statement that
I am of course going to vote for the other
great places we are going to help, but I do believe the Augusta proposal is something that is historic and actually speaks to the masses of the total Butler County as far as historic preservation and
I am disappointed the commissioners didn’t see their way to fund at least a portion of it,” Palmer said.
Read full story El Dorado Times
Same story in Augusta Gazette
No more brick mailbox structures along
some county roads in our county.
We now cater to drunk and reckless drivers' safety, rather than an attempt to improve the looks of a plain old mailbox installed along a roadway!
Read story from El Dorado Times
You Tube Video of Policy and Mailboxes
Bob Johnson's Property Rights?
Final Roll Call Vote on Raising Debt Ceiling
August 2, 2011
County to hold public hearing on budget Aug. 16
Commissioners Split on 2012 Budget
My NO vote on 2012 budget
Thank you and let me know if you have any questions
Peggy Palmer
2012 Budget Approved by a vote of 3-2
2012 Budget Approved El Dorado Times